Welcome to Indian Institute of Schooling Education

Mission and Vission

Mission & Vission

To provide the best possible teaching/learning environment to its students, so that they can serve the society effectively and with dignity individualized study with flexibility in terms of place and duration.

To open schools/Regular academic centers, study centers, competitive training institutes and language institutes.

To identify educational needs of the children/persons of the State who are otherwise not catered to by the formal system of school education and to open study/academic centers.

Currently, SSC and HSC students who are not enrolled in regular schools can apply for board exams by filling up form.

Currently students have to take up subjects available in the regular curriculum. If a student is appearing for Std X exam he or she has to take up math irrespective of whether he or she wants to apply for the science stream in Std XI or not. There is no option to choose their subjects. Once the open schooling system comes into force, the student can easily chose any combination of subjects rather than following the regular pattern. It will help students who are not good at a paRTI Lettercular subject pass the board exams helping them to attain the required SSC and HSC ceRTI Letterficates,

The pattern for practicals and oral exams will be the same as the current format for students applying for open learning mode. We will have contact schools where the infrastructure will be provided for conducting and assessing the practicals and projects.


Note : All legalization issues related to the institute shall be resolved by Lucknow Court only.


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